PlusCBD CBD Oil Softgels Range

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CBD Oil Softgels is one of the easiest ways to consume a full-spectrum phytocannabinoid product available. Many consumers enjoy CBD but also want the amazing benefits offered by the many other cannabinoids produced by hemp. Because the softgels are produced using the full raw oil that comes from harvested hemp plants after the CO2 extraction process, they offer extra strength CBD in conjunction with other cannabinoids for a more potent effect.

Softgels include CBDA, the acidic precursor cannabinoid that becomes CBD during the decarboxylation process. CBDA possesses its own unique potential benefits for a number of conditions, from cancer to antibacterial uses. Each serving contains 5 mg of CBDA/CBD for a total of 30 servings per bottle. Gluten-free, it uses extra-virgin olive oil as its base.

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